Biodata Kim Hyun Joon as Ji Hu (Boys Before Flowers) » Biodata Kim Hyun Joon as Ji Hu (Boys Before Flowers)

Biodata Kim Hyun Joon as Ji Hu

Biodata Kim Hyun Joon as Ji Hu BBF (Boys Before Flowers)

33 Tanggapan

  1. u r handsem but min ho s vry vry hansem..hehe..juz kidding.

  2. i like u……but i very2 like lee_min_hoo….hohohohoho
    u know…..every i watch u…i smiling…cozzzZ_a,,u so funny

  3. kim hyun joong………..u r handsome……..@………cuttttttttteeeeeeeee……….

  4. kim hyun joon (f4 bbf all very handsome)

  5. I kim hyun joon i love u forever…and i like u forever ai shi teru ss501 …i like u song because i’m stupid and snow prince….i really…really love it….please find me in malaysia ….f4 stupid hahaha but i love it…… boy over flower…

  6. kim hyun joong ilove you.aku tuh fans kamu dari kamu main film bbf aku punya poster baju sampe foto fb aku juga bbf

  7. i like his muzic group SS501

    I like his song…..n he is very handsome so much…n cute….

  8. Gim Hyeon Jung keren

  9. please send me your e-mail, facebook and your coment for me

  10. please send me your e-mail and facebook and your coment to me

  11. ganteng buanget sihc

  12. kaka jihuu apa kabar nama aku megawatiaditama yg sering
    nonton bbf lo gojamdi apa kaka titip salam dong buat gojamdi

  13. aku suka sama jihu dan gujungpio

  14. hello kim hyun joong nice to meet you today !!!!!!!!!! when you come to indonesia with lee min hoo,kim bum,goo hye sun,kim hyung joon????? every nigth i always remember you i hope you read my comment by your self not your asistant

  15. i like your smile…..
    but you not watch my coments…..
    i love u

  16. Can I be your’s..

  17. hmmm…cutezz pic…!!

  18. ka hyun joong kpn c ka2 mw k indonesia aq pngn bgt ktmu ma ka hyun joong?????????????

  19. OH MY GOOD……..!!!!!
    HYUN JOONG you are very 99x sweat

  20. kim hyun joon loe ganteng bgt
    loe tuch mirip op di tempat gue loh
    ya gue di jambi tinggal na.

  21. salam ja ya kim hyun joon

  22. kimhyun joon gue ngefans ama u
    i love u

  23. YOu’re so hanDSome!!

  24. kim you very…….very……Handsome,cool,cute.
    ”I LIKE YOU”

  25. Hai hyun joong happy valentine. when you come to indonesia

  26. hi! ji hoo you handsome en i love kim hyun joong

  27. kim hyun joong very” cool he is the perfec boy

  28. i like kim hyun joong

  29. u tuh gnteng bgt cish !!!! kpn muw maen film gi?

  30. kim joon!!!!!!!!!!kamu perfect bangt cih

  31. hi.. kim hyun joong,perkenalkn nm q rofika q ng’fens bngt ma u…..

  32. konbanwa…………………………..

  33. kIm HyUn jOoOng ImOET bNgEt sIch…………………………………………….

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